Thursday, May 13, 2010

the Late Night show

10:45 pm

Here's how MOM and DAD are doing... (disclaimer: Erin did not approve ANY pictures of her!)

...and here's how baby Charlie is doing!

Its tricky to get good pictures at this point, because she's inside a little oxygen chamber and the nurses won't let us take her out yet! She's healthy and alert, but a few indicators of respiratory complications remain, the foremost being a very rapid breathing rate.

When she was born our doctor had to remove quite a bit of Meconium from her nose and mouth (stool in the amniotic fluid). We learned this is not uncommon for babies who go full term or past their due date (Charlie is 3 days past hers), so everyone is being cautious with our new baby. They want to make sure there is no additional infection and they want any remaining Meconium to make its way out of her lungs.


  1. seriously guys...i'm pretty much as excited as i was when miss avery was born. i want to talk to you sister! i know you're probably totally zonked and sore but call me sometime! oh and i think you look awesome and like a mommy!

  2. hi guys. I skipped on over here from Lindsay's blog because she said on facebook she had a new niece and I was hoping for pictures. Cute cute baby, and I LOVE her name. Also Kyle, Nellie says congrats.
