Sunday, September 13, 2009

the not so immaculate conception

sometime in the middle of august, erin's birth control decided to stop its primary job of 'controlling'. about 4 weeks later, she woke me up at 6:30 in the morning with her signature mischievous grin saying she had something to tell me. three days after that brings us to today, with the only proof of the news lingering on the bathroom counter still displaying not one but TWO pink lines, resting contentedly on a folded paper towel. gross. n-e-ways, needless to say, erin got her most coveted wish and she is officially prego. we made a baby!


  1. yay yay yay yay yay! not just for the baby (that's yesterday's news...) but cuz you have a blog! now I have one more entertaining website to cruise...i have some major time to kill. eight weeks to be exact...

  2. you know...that post was very detail and personal...ewe...I love it!
